In my short music career, I had an opportunity to test and use a lot of music gear from different brands. But. I’m person who prefer to use one brand of gear if it’s possible and with HESU I can do this.
HESU was the company what I always keep my eye on since they start this journey in world of music.
When I saw that they started making bass gear I didn’t think to long about it and I’ve send an email to great lads with my order!

HESU 4×10 Basstard is loaded with 4 Phoenix 350w RMS and 1 Tweety 50w RMS speakers, and yes. If you counting like me. Then you have 1400W RMS of pure power in just 4×10 cab! You have a lot of low tones from Phoenix which give you that what in a bass is really matter. We can’t forget about Tweety’s they are providing a high tone range.
Combining these two types of speakers allow me to find sound what I want and it’s sound massive. Lots of power and punch allow me to get thought guitars and drums when I practice, stage or in studio. Everything is closed in light weight poplar plywood, solid built case which provide safety against any interior damages.

To connect my gear together I need leads which HESU is providing. Very high quality build cables that gives you certainty and sound quality of do not let you down during gigs and studio sessions. With HESU cables nothing can go wrong. Brand which get trust from best musicians like Wojciech Pilichowski, Tomasz “Orion” Wróbleski, Jeff Loomis, Ola Englund and many more it’s defending by its own.


































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